Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blah Charlie Brown!

I suppose some of you are wondering what the deal is with the blog lately -- why I haven't been posting with my usual regularity. Some of it, maybe most of it even has to do with this bronchitis thing, which the new med's seems to be working on ...

I don't know. I'm just feeling blah lately -- think Charlie Brown in A Charlie Brown Christmas, complaining to Lucy that "I know I should be happy, but...." It's hard to think or to write or to get moving. I'm trusting it's just some sort of cyclical ... serotonin ... some kind of phase ...

1 comment:

Mikes Sumondong said...

LOL! I hope you're okay now. I really like Charlie Brown series especially the boy with the blanket all the time. he reminds me of a friend. I do feel "blah" sometimes. you're not alone!

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