Thursday, December 10, 2009

Not Perfect ....

Hi again. I think that we all know it hurts when the people we love don't seem to care about us, our feelings or seem oblivious to any pain we might have. It is difficult big time to be in a relationship where one feels unappreciated, be it from family, friends or? Its tough not to get something we expect to receive as it makes one feel they don't care or even think about you. On the other hand the other person may think they are returning your love and care but in different forms you may not recognize. Its hard to discern that ... especially when a person feels hurt. Sometimes it seems really true that women are from Venus and men really are from Mars. And this is what makes us so different and unique from each other, we do not think and feel the same about things. And I think in ways it gets worse the older we get as its harder to love someone with "baggage." And we also may have our own.

We/they may not really understand themselves and the whys, and the ways they react to things. The outburst of anger, or of pain usually involves self, pride, jealousy and other motives less than pure. Ones reaction to that anger usually also involves such, probably not so cool motives as well I think. We all are as Christians "Not perfect, just forgiven," and that sums things up. We are all humans and make bunches of mistakes. I think that maybe we have to learn to give, to love and we are still learning. But while we are here in this life we have a lot to do to ensure that we make the best of things for those we love and ourselves. And its hard to see things from another's point of view sometimes.

Just some thoughts ...

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