Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bible Fight

This link has been sitting on my desktop for a few days while I have tried ... and failed ... to come up with some sort of appropriate commentary for it. But words continue to fail me, so I will just let you see for yourself:

Click here: [adult swim] Games Bible Fight

Is this offensive? Funny? Blasphemous? Just plain goofy? Which way does it strike you, and why? Whichever it is, somebody sure spent a lot of time and energy designing it. (And my vote for coolest special move goes to Noah's "Ark Stampede"attack.)


Anonymous said...

Umm...yes, yes, yes, and yes...oh and let's not forget that God does have a sense of humor...but, for my tastes, it does take it a bit over the top..

Ben said...

I have no idea where you come up with these funny little stuff but I sure do enjoy it. This one........ hmm I don't know maybe a little blasphemous.

Ancoti said...

Not my preferred brand of humor, but at least God wins.