Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gandhi: "I like your Christ ..."

What do you think of this Gandhi quote ...."I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are not like your Christ."

I've seen this quote in a lot of places and maybe you have too. On one level its convicting of course. But on the other hand that statement is true of every practitioner of every moral and ethical belief system in the known world. I mean, he's right and it upsets me sometimes too, but really...you'll have to reject Gandhi's followers right along with Christians (he probably wouldn't disagree!) and ...well, everybody's. We're all guilty as charged there. Its like a co-worker of mine who used to say, "I don't go to church because it's full of hypocrites." But is this a reason not to accept Jesus though?

Just thought I would throw that out there ...


Ancoti said...

Just shows how imperfect we are and why we need Jesus

Tim said...

Amen there!

WKen said...

You're right, this could be said of anyone.

Heck, I love Christ but there are many Christians about whom I'm not too crazy. Probably a lot of Christians don't like me for the very same reason.